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Bruno Dercon(布鲁诺•德肯)

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Statement of the Expert Group Meeting on the Donghu Greenway project (Wuhan) as the pilot project for improved urban public spaces in China.


In June 2016, UN-Habitat, the United Nations Human Settlements

Programme, and the Wuhan Land Use and Spatial Planning Center (WLSP)agreed to partner towards the promotion of improved urban public spaces in China. The pilot project within the 3-year collaboration is the

Donghu Greenway project. An Expert Group Meeting was convened in Wuhan on 27 and 28 June 2016, with international specialists from UN-Habitat’s headquarters and its Asia and Pacific regional office and

with national experts from Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. The team visited Donghu (“East Lake”) area and discussed the Greenway project with WLSP planners and city officials. 


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In 2015, UN-Habitat published a new Global Public Space Toolkit,

which provides global principles for local policies and practice for improved public spaces.Also last year, the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was approved. This agenda includes Goal 11, to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, and one of the seven targets of this goal is on improved public spaces. With this new international guidance and following its conversations with WLSP planners and city officials in the past two days, the team is providing the below initial observations and recommendations. A follow-up meeting in Wuhan will take place in

January 2017.


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1. The Expert Team congratulates the city and WLSP for the people-oriented approach of the Donghu Greenway project, considering the very high level of public consultation and participation in the planningfrom the start. This is a genuinely innovative undertaking, creating a planning practice that can be replicated in many contemporary and future city planning processes in China, e.g. in the context of urban renewal where stakeholder consultation is fundamental. 


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2. The team supports the bold decision of the city to make the future Donghu area a genuine urban public space, adhering to key principles: it is open, free, not-for-profit, accessible to all and inclusive.

The decision to waive access fees and fundamentally object against gated institutions are key to the future success of Donghu as an urban public space. In addition, the Donghu Greenway will be car-free and

with ample low-carbon public transportation. The team applauds the

ambition of the city to make such a large area car-free. 


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3. The team commends the planning endeavour of WLSP. It has provided a rich narrative of 7 guiding principles, which are a solid framework for the current first phase and future development. 


4. The team also recognizes the impressive array of realistic but also pertinent planning solutions in an urban context, such as applying Transit Oriented Development, slow people oriented mobility

solutions,enhanced biodiversity, natural water purification approaches, the provision of public amenities adjusted to people’s needs and the renewal of existing settlements while adapting the informal economy towards new services.


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The team is convinced that Wuhan had no time to lose to preserve Donghu’s water body and green areas in the context of rapid urbanizationand infrastructure development. It also commends the decision to convert the lake area now into a central urban park. This also reflects well with the fact that Donghu is the largest urban lake of China. However, given the size and centrality of Donghu in the Wuhan cluster of 9 cities with currently 30 million people, the Expert Team wishes to provide the following recommendations for a strong Donghu Strategy. 


1. The team appeals to move to a stronger citywide vision for the Donghu area, that elevates the Greenway project within the strategic framework of contemporary and future urban transformations. The demography of future Donghu users and Donghu area commuters is not sufficiently clear. There are multiple and increasing usage pressures to be expected, from local communities, the city’s inhabitants and people in the region. The high-speed railway station very near to the lake is

a new and very significant change not yet exploited as an asset. Moreover, the tunnel project under the lake to some extent re-emphasizes

car-dependency with likely congestion near the exits, especially

at peak days.The multi-nodal mobility planning of the Greenway

project is an excellent first step, but future phases will need to consider a broader citywide perspective. 


2. Moreover, the public space strategy of Donghu should be augmented with a strategy of complementary public spaces for the entire city. A network of public spaces should fulfill the variety of needs of citizens in Wuhan. Furthermore, great cities have always many unique public spaces of various sizes throughout the city. The first phase of Donghu Greenway will create only the first few of unique places, vistas and experiences. It will take many years of planning to make those places work optimally, as both convenient and truly memorable public spaces, and to add new ones with convincing new themes and experiences.  


3. While commending the strong decisions to make Donghu public, the team observes that in similar contexts in most metropolitan cities, there is need for a strong legislative framework to declare large areas irrevocably public. Tourism destination areas, as is the planning status of Donghu, may include public and non-public areas. The creation

and future preservation of the contiguous public space around the lake will need further clarification and legislation. 


4. The team sympathizes with the institutional complexity of the Donghu area, as reflected by the fact that many areas have not been publicly accessible up to today. It recognizes that a Donghu-wide

management institution is now required. However, the team recommends to consider multi-level governance solutions, such as、partnerships,

development corporations and special economic zones, with the explicit intent to forge continuous consultation and collaboration between institutional and community stakeholder groups. This can also provide a consultative framework, as institutional land use changes are a common feature in central urban areas in large cities and may also occur over time in the Donghu area.  


5. The team suggests more clarity and transparency about a sustainable business model for the expansion and future maintenance of the Donghu area as a large public space. This requires more analysis, strategy and innovative approaches. Considering the cost of creating the Donghu Greenway, the creation of new jobs and businesses should be considered and promoted. The planned stimulation of the informal economy in the existing settlements should be factored in. University studentsshould be encouraged to incubate entreprises, for which the vicinityof the high-tech industries are an asset. Alternative uses of

water front areas for new forms of urban agriculture and urban forestry may pilot a new wave of transformational low-carbon urban economy

approaches. Such novel urban livelihoods will likely be aided by new technologies adapting to new employment needs, for instance of the elderly. 


6. Culture and historical elements should strongly remain at the heart of this plan. We hope this project will turn to be a unique public space project. It is a long term strategy and it will help Wuhan to be more sustainable.


7. Finally, the ongoing and planned efforts towards environmental protection in the Donghu Greenway project stand out. Nonetheless, every metropolitan city in the world must consider vulnerability issues in the wake of climate change. The scenarios for Wuhan are not known to the team. Public space strategies, moreover, should also correlate with strong urban resiliency strategies. Heat waves can create peak demand in the Donghu Greenway areas, but without medical preparedness. Evacuation requirements in case of sudden storms may not work. Rising temperatures may render natural water purification approaches less or no longer effective. And, of course, the water levels in the Yangtze river system may change. These citywide resiliency issues should be reflected in a strong Donghu public space strategy. 



1、Bruno Dercon(布鲁诺•德肯),联合国人居署亚太区办事处高级人居官员

2、Salvatore Fundaro(萨尔瓦多•方德罗),联合国人居署高级城市规划专家

3、伍  江,同济大学常务副校长,教授、博士生导师






9、Runze Wang(王润泽),联合国人居署城市规划与设计司规划师、设计师


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